8350 E Main Street, Alexandria, KY 41001, us
Due to the popularity of our programs, and with our funds already committed to prior applicants, we are analyzing data to see where we can make the most impact for the community and updating cost-share program and application process. As a result, we are not accepting any cost-share applications at this time. Once this process is complete, please visit our website to check for the availability of applications. Thank you for your understanding.
Dead Animal Disposal (pdf)
DownloadSolid Waste Resource Guide (pdf)
DownloadEquine and Poultry Waste Feed (pdf)
DownloadFeeding and Heavy Use Area Management (pdf)
DownloadManure Holding Tanks (pdf)
DownloadManure Management Systems (pdf)
DownloadManure Stack Pads (pdf)
DownloadManure Storage Ponds (pdf)
DownloadNutrient Management (Livestock) (pdf)
DownloadPlanned Grazing (pdf)
DownloadPoultry Facility Siting and Land Application of On-Farm Generated Waste By-Products (pdf)
DownloadRiparian Area Protection (pdf)
DownloadStormwater Management (pdf)
DownloadTotally Covered Open Confinement (pdf)
DownloadSeptic Systems and On-Site Sewage Disposal (pdf)