8350 E Main Street, Alexandria, KY 41001, us
The Kentucky Agricultural District Program is administered locally by the Campbell County Conservation District. This voluntary program gives farmers some protection under the law for their agricultural land. Program participants are ensured that their land will be taxed as farmland and that it cannot be annexed by a city without the landowners permission. Agricultural District Program participants are given higher priority when applying for assistance through the Kentucky Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program. Since a landowner can withdraw at any time, the program does not help ensure a future base of land available for food and fiber production. Ag District petitions can be found below or you can contact the Conservation District office for more information.
New Landowner Checklist (pdf)
DownloadIndividual agriculture water quality plans are based on Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are identified in the Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Authority Plan. These BMPs can help reduce the amount of pollutants that reach our water resources.
Many landowners find that they are already applying good conservation measures that protect water quality. Others find that only a few changes are needed and these often result in improved efficiency and profitability for the operation. Your agriculture water quality plan will identify the current BMPs and help you decide if you need additional practices. BMPs establish a minimum acceptable level for planning, siting, designing, installing, operating, and maintaining agriculture and forestry facilities and operations. Landowners who have a conservation plan, compliance plan or a forest stewardship plan may need to update and expand that plan to be sure that it includes protection of water resources. To be valid, Agriculture Water Quality Plans must be current and address existing operations on your land. You may also want to visit the Ag Water Quality home page at http://www.uky.edu/bae/awqp. This web site has an on-line tool that can be used to assess your operation and identify BMPs to be included in your individual plan.
If you are interested in a farm serial number, contact the Farm Service Agency! They are located at 6028 Camp Ernst Rd, Burlington, KY 41005.
Phone number: (859) 586-6175